Change is the only thing that does not change. However, some old recipes from way back always bring back the fond memory of warm laughter from my dad's dining room table. For Ah-Gong and Po-Po's favorite children.改變是唯一不會改變的事。但是,這些老食譜,總是帶回餐桌上溫暖笑聲的親切回憶。這原本是女兒初出國念書時,想念媽媽廚房,以知難行易為軸,草書安慰思鄉腸胃的食譜,逐漸擴增。更納入朋友們的拿手佳餚分享。
Sunday, January 10, 2016
recipe 88 提味秘方 甜酒釀醃黑棗
recipe 88 酒釀醃黑棗
孩子們長大後,菜裡面開始加酒釀醃黑棗,作為提味秘方。 比如燉豬腳、蒸雞腿、燉排骨湯裡,都常見蹤跡。
材料: 南門市場或衡陽街老店特產酒釀 (此物冰箱裡總是備有一罐),
黑棗 (ex. California black dates)。