Wednesday, May 27, 2009

chaos and order

The wood cotton flowers are beginning to bloom, but it was still chilly in the air when I went out to play with my first SLR. One that someone brought me that I spent some quick moments to learn to play with. My life was in an odd chaos, stricken by shoulder injury and asthma. Hanging on to a new toy, like a baby hanging on to a security blanket, I carried my camera in the car where ever I went. I like the greyish sky, it is melancholy, serene, calm and emotionless. The wood cotton season was just beginning, like the seeds of hope, it will appear, not yet, but I know, they will burst into flames in a few weeks and fall. Then their seeds, wrapped in white hair, will softly float afar in the summer wind, carrying the wonderful memory of its heritage with them. A new generation will begin.

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